MISHNAS I. to III. How dry and low-land may be irrigated from newly sprung fountain and rain water, on the middle days. Is grubbing up olive trees permitted during the Sabbatical year? Is one court permitted to overrule the decision of another? Where is it deduced from the Scriptures that tombs must be marked? Messengers on account of Kilaim, when and for what reason they were sent. The irrigating of plants and yard. gardens. How to stop a gap in a fence, in the middle days and the Sabbatical year, 1-9
MISHNAS IV. to IX. How the priests had to make the inspection of plagues. If it is allowed to gather the bones of parents in the minor festivals. If a funeral oration maybe held thirty days before the festival. About digging and preparing graves in the minor festivals. If one may espouse a wife in those days. The explanation of I Kings viii. 66, and the legend of Solomon and the gates. The allegorical blessings of Jonathan and Jehudah the disciples of Ben Jo'hi to his son, and their interpretation by his father. How Rabh interpreted the advice of Ben Halafta to his own son as a blessing from the Scripture. The especial labors which may and may not be done on the middle days, and also the difference between a layman and a specialist on this subject, 9-18
MISHNAS I. to VI. Which labors may be done in the usual manner and which must be changed in their manner. If the property of one was fined by the court for violating the minor feasts, and he dies, is it in force for his heirs? And how it shall be done in the buying and selling places, 19-24
MISHNA 1. Who may trim their hair. If mourning and the burden of ban must be observed on the festival and middle days. Whence do we deduce
that the court has power to summon, to appoint a time, and to postpone trials and to excommunicate? For what cases one may he put under the ban, and what is the fixed time for rebuke, ban, and excommunication. What happened to a young scholar whom R. Jehudah put under the ban. How the maid-servant of Rabbi put one under the ban for beating his grown-up son, and what the rabbis said to that. What Mar Zutra the Pious did when a young scholar was delinquent, 25-34
MISHNAS II. to VII. What documents are allowed to be written. About bonds and debts. About Phylacteries, etc. Do the days of the festival post. pone the mourning or abolish? The difference in this subject between Sabbath and a festival, and as to a difference also between the festivals them. selves, and which of them enter into computation. If the garments are to be rent for certain relatives, and how to do it on the minor feasts. What happened to an Ishmaelitish merchant when the coffins of Rabba and Hamnuna passed by. The Elegy of a disciple on them. The funeral oration on Rabina. The answer of Bar Kipuk to the question of R. Ashi: What oration he would make on the day of his death; the oration on a child which died at birth; the oration on R. Zera when he has departed in Palestine--all in verse. To whom it must be said: "Go in peace," and to whom, "Go with peace," 35-45
iii:1 See footnote in Tract Succah.