MISHNA I. Why a new-born thing on a festival must not be used on the same day. The different opinions for the reason of it. How is the case with the same on the two festival days which are kept in exile only but not in Palestine? How is the case when a Sabbath falls on one of the two days of the exile festivals? And how is the law of the same on the two days of New Year, which are kept in Palestine also-are they considered as one sacredness or two? About a burial on festivals and New Year. An animal or fowl whose blood must be covered when slaughtered, in which case they may be slaughtered on a festival. And how is it with a cross which is doubtful, if it is considered a wild or a domestic animal. The ordinance of Rabban Johanan b. Zakkai, 1-15
MISHNAS II. to VIII. Concerning the preparing of doves of the cots for the festival, and their removal from one cot to another. The shutters of shops, may they be removed? If birds have removed from their prepared place? If one has prepared black pigeons and finds white ones, or more or less than he has prepared previously. Which utensils are allowed to be used for the purpose they were made, and for other purposes. If the tallow of the slaughtered on the festival may be salted. The three things the finishing of which is allowed. What it is allowed to carry on public ground. If it is lawful to give to the priest the first dough on the festival. The necessary change in laboring from the week-days, how shall it be done? 15-24
MISHNAS IX. to XII. If spices may be pounded on a festival. How about Ptisana? How to pick pulse on a festival. The custom of the house of Rabban Gamaliel in such cases. How about sending as presents on a festival, shoes, sandals, phylacteries, etc., 24-27
MISHNAS I. to III. Of what kind of eatables the cooking Erub may be prepared. How it is if one has forgotten to make it, and how it is with him who has not made it intentionally. About the purification of vessels on the festival. About bringing peace, vow, and voluntary offerings on the festival. About the four hundred Zuz which a sick person ordered to give to a certain man, that he should marry his daughter, and the latter refused. The discussion of the schools of Shammai and Hillel about laying the hands on the offerings on the festival, 28-40
MISHNAS IV. to VII. The three things which R. Gamaliel decided as the school of Shammai. Is it lawful to paint the eyes on a festival? (See also Appendix on page 45.) About baking thick loaves. How about putting spice on live coals. The three things which R. Elazar b. Azariah permitted, and the other sages prohibited. The laws about a pepper hand mill and a child's carriage, 40-45
MISHNAS I. to IV. The contradiction between the Tosephta and the Mishna concerning beasts and fowls. Why a certain bird is called "Durur." Why R. Gamaliel did not accept the fish which a Gentile brought him as a present. If the beasts which are in a garden must be prepared previously, In what case a man may be carried in a chair. Why R. Na'hman allowed his Yalta to be carried. If it is lawful to examine the blemish of a first-born animal, and how is the case if the animal is born with a blemish? About the Amora who was erratic in his teachings (see also footnote). Does the law of Muktzah exist for the half of a Sabbath? 46-54
MISHNAS V. to X. How to buy an animal for the festival. How to buy meat from the butcher and things from the grocery without naming a price. Is it allowed to measure beverages on the festival by the seller? and what shall be done to satisfy both the buyer and the seller. About the three hundred pitchers of wine, and the same number of oil, which were gathered from the froth, and from the vessels after emptying, which were brought to the treasurer of charity, and his answer. How to feed the animals when measuring is needed. How the wives of R. Joseph and R. Ashi sifted their flour on the festival, and of the approval and disapproval of their husbands, 54-59
MISHNAS I. to VI. How to carry jars of wine from one place to another, and from what stacks fuel may be taken. If some may be taken from a ruined booth. Also from what kind of beams wood may be cut for the festival. If it is permitted to make a hole in a tent filled with fruit. How it is about making a hole in clay for the purpose of using it for a lamp. The six things which Bar Qappara taught about a wick, There are three men whose life is not called life, 60-64
p. xiii MISHNAS VII. to IX. How to roast salted fish. Is it allowed to smear an oven with clay? The difference of opinion between the Amoraim about Hizra. If broken vessels may be used for fuel. Branches of spice-trees to enjoy the odor, whether they may be handled. And how to grind spices. How R. Jehudah used to break twigs off from spice-trees, to supply to his guests. If it is allowed to make heaps of fuel in the yard. Ovens or hearths standing in the yard, are they considered as vessels? If the hair of an animal's feet may he removed by fire. If one wishes to partake of the fruit of a Sabbatical year, what must he previously do? In which case may the same be used if it is doubtful whether the heave-offering was separated? 64-69
MISHNAS I. to VI. The difference between Sabbath and a Festival, in throwing and covering fruit. About removing fruit from one roof to another. The things which are prohibited on account of Sh'buth (Sabbath-rest--rabbinically). The things which are prohibited as optional. The legal limit within which cattle and utensils may be brought for the use of the festival. About a barrel of wine and an animal which were bought in partnership by two men from different places, what shall be done, and the different law about these two. What R. Abba prayed when he intended to go to Palestine, and what he said after he reached there. The five things which have been taught about burning coals. The Babylonian travellers. Fruit which is deposited in another's house, who is to be considered the owner of same concerning the carrying of it. The advice to water an animal before slaughtering it, 70-78
xi:1 See Introduction to Synopsis in Tract Sabbath, Vol. I., p. xxix; also note at end of Synopsis in Vol. V.