MISHNA 1. The law concerning the Holocaust, and who are exempt from it, What is the law in the case of one who is half a bondman and hall free? Johanan b. Broka and R. Elazar b. Hasma have related to their master the wonderful lecture of R. Joshua, and what he rejoined. What is called a fool? The law about the lame, blind, and sick. An entire series of passages from Scripture which the different rabbis wept over when they met them in their studies, and the reason of it. What is meant by "evils and troubles," written in Deut. xxxi. 21? What will become of us with the Minim? For three things the Holy One, blessed be He, weeps every day. What happened to Rabbi and R. Hyya while on the road with the blind scholar, and his beautiful blessings. The law as to minority, and at what age a child is exempt from this condition, 1-13
MISHNAS II. to V. The law regarding the offerings which may or may not be brought from the money of the second-tithe. Peace-offerings and burnt-offerings of the pilgrims are divided according to their circumstances. The different opinions of the rabbis regarding the passage: "What is crooked cannot be made straight." The explanation of Elijah to Ben Hei Hei regarding the passage cf. Is. xlviii. 10. About a scholar who has separated himself from the Law. The laws about the dissolving of vows hang in the air, and which laws are suspended by a hair, and which of them are the essential parts of the Law, 13-20
MISHNA 1. Concerning the discussion of illegal unions, the creation, and the divine chariot. By ten things the world was created: by wisdom, by knowledge, etc. Which was first created, the earth or the heavens? What is meant by the term "heavens"? Woe to the creatures which see and know not what they see, which stand and know not upon what they stand. The names of the seven heavens, and what is contained therein. What answer
did the heavenly voice make to that wicked man when he said: "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds," etc.? To whom the secrets of the Law may be imparted. The king among living creatures is a lion, among domestic beasts an ox, among birds an eagle, after which comes man, but the Lord takes His place proudly above them all. The thousands of troops who minister unto him. The stream of fire which is issued . . . comes from before him. Where it comes from. About the nine hundred and seventy-four generations which were held back from being created. What are the eighteen curses of Isaiah. Even at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem there did not cease from them faithful men. About the four who entered in the heavenly garden (Pardes), The legends of A'her concerning R. Meir his disciple when he was alive and after his death, and also what R. Johanan said and did. About what Rabba bar Shila questioned Elijah, and his answer. What R. Jehudah questioned Samuel about the world to come, and what the latter rejoined. Nimus of Gardi and R. Meir (see note). The six things regarding the demons. Every one who gazes upon three things, his eyes grow weak, 21-38
MISHNAS II. to IV. The difference of opinions concerning the princes and the chiefs of courts. About the law of laying the hand on the offers on a festival, Which is the feast in which thou makest proclamation and reapest? About the garments of a common person which are defiled by pressure for Pharisees, 38-43
MISHNAS I. to IX All of them treat about the details of the rigorous rules of heave-offerings, and vice versa, The conditions in Judah and in Galilee as to which of the inhabitants are trusted and which are not. About the salamander and the fire of Gehenna, and that the fire of Gehenna will not affect the sinners of Israel, who are full of merit as a pomegranate is full of seed, 44-54